Covid Quilt – Pacing, Lockdown 2, Victoria

Covid Quilt – Pacing is a work made during Victoria’s second lockdown, a lockdown more isolating than the first, entered into still exhausted from Lockdown 1, and knowing as Victorians we were on our own. Not only in lockdown but with borders closed – disconnected. This work is a reflection of this time, pacing back and forth, waiting for numbers to drop, waiting for restrictions to lift, waiting for borders to open … waiting and pacing.

Covid Quilt – Pacing  (front) 15.5 x 15.5 cm, Cotton thread on paper, 2020 (Lockdown 2).

Covid Quilt – Pacing (front) 15.5 x 15.5 cm, Cotton thread on paper, 2020 (Lockdown 2)

Covid Quilt – Pacing  (back) 15.5 x 15.5 cm, Cotton thread on paper, 2020 (Lockdown 2)

Covid Quilt – Pacing (back) 15.5 x 15.5 cm, Cotton thread on paper, 2020 (Lockdown 2)

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