Summer Solstice 2013 – 2021

Fish out of Water - Summer Solstice 2013 - 2021

Fish out of Water – Summer Solstice 2013 – 2021

Since 2013 I have been releasing a sardine painted rock on each Summer Solstice with the final release on December 21, 2021.  Each Rock became a marker of time, events and a personal talisman for each year. As the project has drawn to a close it is very much a time of reflection; achievements, losses, friendships, creativity, earth changes, devastation of fires, droughts, covid and the loss of a parent. Nine years mapped in this work, each year marked by the selection of a location, making time to explore that environment, a reflection on the year, a release and the bringing forth of hope for the year ahead. Both joyous and melancholic it has been a confronting and reflective process. The final release was at the location where my parents arrived in this country at Princes Pier in Port Melbourne.

Summer Solstice, Princes Pier, Port Melbourne, 21 December 2021

Summer Solstice, Princes Pier, Port Melbourne, 21 December 2021

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