I released this fish on December 21, 2016 in the Flagstaff Gardens on a very early summer morning in Melbourne. As I do every year, I put this image up on facebook and a few weeks later received this lovely message from a friend who is a facebook follower and bought one of my favourite drawings close to twenty years ago!!
I tried to post a message on your timeline on Christmas morning but think that the eggnog influenced the output. I forwarded your Summer Solstice post to my son who lives just opposite Flagstaff Gardens in the hope that he could snare me a fish. I’ve wanted one ever since I saw the first release and he is a great geocache finder! He texted later that night to say “no luck, it must have gone – sorry dad”! Oh well. It turns out that he is a great fibber and this was presented to me on Christmas morning.

Photo of Fish out of Water – Summer Solstice, 21 December 2016 which was sent to me by the person who discovered this release.
I will set the scene a bit more. We only do simple gifts, often quirky and always inexpensive. Imagine if you will, the bottled up excitement of a loving son saving this for last and watching the surprise and rapture on his fathers face as he realises that dreams sometimes do come true. It was a great family moment! And all due to your vision, skill and enthusiasm. A true example of positive energy building as it expands outward.
Happy new year to everyone – I hope that this year builds on the beautiful energy contained in this exchange.