Have just returned from the Sydney Biennale – very inspiring!! The theme for the biennale was ‘all our relations’ and this year it was curated by Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster.
Here are a few of my highlights – Art Gallery New South Wales.
Guide van der Werve, Nummer Acht, everything is going to be alright, 2007 ( still from video)
John Wolsely, Flight of the Ventifacts: Mallee 2006-2012 a beautiful installation that began in the main section on the Ground Floor and the you followed fragments of the drawings to the upper levels to a room which showed his work as well as the dramatic work by Postcommodity, Do You Remember When? 2009 with an amazing sound piece.
Other beautiful pieces with a big story to tell, Bouchra Khalili, The Mapping Journey Project, 2008-11 and Binh Danh, Ancestral Altar #22, 2008
Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
Pinaree Sanpitak, Anything Can Break, 2011. This was a beautiful installation with an amazing sound component. Several of the hanging “paper clouds” had speakers with sensors in them. So as you walked beneath them it triggered the sound – singing voices and sounds of rain. Very beautiful and fabulous with a crowd of people walking beneath it.
Lee Mingwei, The Mending Project, 2009. This was a very beautiful piece which he began after September 11. He thought that if people could share a moment and communicate and trust – then things might be different. He invites people to bring in an object that needs ‘creative’ mending. To sit a while with the mender whilst he or she repairs it, share a story and then leave the piece behind and trust that it will be there for you to pick up at the end of the exhibition.
Also at MCA – Arin Rungjang, The Living Are Few But The Dead are Many – a piece which tells stories from Rwanda – sometimes beautiful and sometimes heartbreakingly sad.
Cockatoo Island – A journey on the harbour to see more art.
The midden site of Jonathan Jones, untitled (oysters and tea cups), 2011
Then up the steep stairs to this beautiful installation by Yoshihiro Suda, Morning Glory, in a deserted and open building. Such a delicate and inspiring piece.
And the overwhelmingly creepy and seductive Philip Beasley, Hylozoic Series, 2011
The piece that I was looking forward to seeing – mostly because of my own interest in dirt!! Cal Lane, Sand Lace 2012.
Maria Fernanda Cardoso’s, Intromitent organs of Tasmanian harvestman modelled after electronic mocroscope scans, 2008-09 was an exquisite installation piece looked amazing in location.
And finally – there are so many more – but this one was a great experience by Jonathan Jones in one of the tunnels.